VB.NET Source Code
' eight-queens
' Author: Hannes du Plooy
' Date: 20 Sep 2016
' Objective: To solve the following
' Search for a chess board solution with 8 queens and no one
' endangering any other.
Module EightQueens
Dim board(8) as Integer
Function EightQueens(line As Integer) As Boolean
Dim column As Integer
If (line>7) Then
Return true
End If
For column = 0 to 7
Dim line2 As Integer
Dim endangered As Boolean = false
For line2 = 0 to line-1
If (board(line2) = column Or Math.Abs(line-line2) = Math.Abs(column-board(line2))) Then
endangered = true
Exit For
End If
Next line2
If Not endangered Then
board(line) = column
If EightQueens(line+1) Then
Return true
End IF
End If
Next column
Return false
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
If EightQueens(0) Then
For i = 0 to 7
For j = 0 to 7
If board(i) = j Then
End If
Next j
Next i
Console.WriteLine("No Solution Found")
End If
End Sub
End Module