Fortran 95 Source Code
! Author: Hannes du Plooy
! Date: 20 Sep 2016
! Objective: To solve the towers of hanoi with number of discs provided in the arguments to calling the program
program HanoiProg
if (command_argument_count() < 1) then
print *,"Please provide number of discs!"
call get_command_argument(1,arg)
read (arg,'(i2)'), discs
call hanoi(0,2,1,discs)
end if
recursive subroutine hanoi(source,dest,other,discs)
integer :: source
integer :: dest
integer :: other
integer :: discs
if (discs > 0) then
call hanoi(source,other,dest,discs-1)
print '(a,$)','Move '
print '(i2,$)',source
print '(a,$)',' to '
print '(i2)',dest
call hanoi(other,dest,source,discs-1)
end if
end subroutine
end program HanoiProg